Saturday, April 5, 2014

a greateR beast on creativity

Josh Groban interview on creativity and music

What I learn and loved from this video:
"You are only gonna be as good as your connection with your team"
"let the day unfold"
"don't be afraid to let go"

I feel this to be such a hard thing, since theres a beast, an uncontrollable passion ready to embrace the challenge and make things happen, the optimum way to generate an outcome that will create remarkable value is not based on individual controls but in a collaborative rhythm to unleash a greater beast!

learning is not for school is for life

In times of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.
– Eric Hoffer, Reflections on the Human Condition
Great quote found from a great blogger: post

just as Steve Jobs put it: Stay hungry, Stay foolish